What happened

Since the last post honestly; Finished a documentary. πŸ‘πŸΎ Edited a few movie scenes. πŸ‘πŸΎWrote, shot and published a short story.πŸ‘πŸΎ Working on a commercial series.πŸ‘πŸΎ Made a lot music on the side. 🐼 Also working on a passion project but looking for my angle.  πŸ€”


 A lot happened creative wise made a little more music than I initially planned too. not complaining at all but 50+ in 6 months is a little excessive. Ended the year with 160+ pieces 16 of which are streamable everywhere and another 6 in passion project form here.  βœ” with another two on way.


Next would have to be school related. I was always told when you found something that you love the grades will come. Go figure 7 years post high school it would all click. Currently sitting at a 3.5 with graduation date in April from the school I planned to head to in 2009. 

That's all I have for now just plan to vent regularly from now on found out stress triggers my condition. I will detail some of the symptoms later on this year.  

Torrean Jonathan